A change of focus

September 30, 2013

When I started this blog, I didn’t know what I would write about. I knew I wanted your help keeping me accountable – which you have done multiple times now – but in between that I didn’t know what I would write about. I just winged it.

Well, I’ve figured it out. I realized that I’ve been spending too much time writing posts for other writers, when I should really be writing posts for readers. Productivity tips and motivational posts are all well and good, but what I want to do is tell stories, so that’s what I should talk about.

Thus, I’m refocusing this blog around topics directly related to storytelling. It will become more like my My Way or the Anime posts at Random Curiosity, save with a more general bent.

I will still talk about writing from time to time, especially when it comes to my own progress or another challenge to myself. Just expect more explorations of the writing process and my own experiences writing and editing a novel, less general philosophy and inspiration.

Thank you for your patience as I flail about making all these mistakes in the public eye. I truly appreciate it.