On Fear


Fear is good

“But here’s the dirty little secret: Fear is good. It keeps you from becoming a crappy doctor. Trick is you just can’t let it paralyze you.” -Dr. Cox, Scrubs I’ve been thinking about fear a lot lately. I think fear is one of the biggest reasons why people don’t let themselves do great things, and it’s really not necessary. That said, I should clarify. Not all fear is bad. There are two kinds of fear: the fear that makes you cower,...

Be less careful

I think one of the reasons my book is taking so long to edit is that I’m being too careful. I’m taking too much time, I’m paying careful attention to every line, I’m reaching too much for that unobtainable ideal of perfection. On the next story I write, I don’t think I’ll do that. I think I’ll be less careful. That’s not to say that I won’t put out my best work. No, I intend to do that each and every...

The fear, and necessity, of editors

I have two editors. They’re old friends, one a prolific reader and a wizard with the English language, the other something of a writer himself (and all those other things as well). If anyone will determine the quality of my book other than me, it will be these two, and I feel lucky to have them in my corner. That they’ll read this post has nothing to ​do with me saying that. Okay, perhaps it does, but that doesn’t mean...