On Life


Frictionless routines

I’m obsessed with morning routines. I constantly tweak my morning (and evening) routines, with the goal of doing them without thinking. I want to get all of the miscellany out of the way so that I can get to mentally demanding tasks after having made as few decisions possible. That leaves me with more energy to write books. I’ve found that the key is to make the routine frictionless, especially in the morning. My willpower is always low in the morning, so I’m prone to slacking off rather...

Stephen, what is best in life?

The eternal question. We know what Conan the Barbarian would say. “To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.” All fine for a barbarian, but most of us would agree it’s not the way to run a modern life. But what is? What’s best? What’s truly important in life? Spending time with the people you love, doing work you’re proud of, and having time for hobbies you enjoy. That’s it....

It depends

I was having a discussion at Random Curiosity the other day about whether happy or tragic endings were better. It depends. If someone asked me the number one food they should eat, or the number one exercise they should do, there can be only one answer. It depends. If someone wanted to know the one book they most need to read, you know the answer. Wage Slave Rebellion. At least until my next book comes out. I’m kidding, of course. It depends....

My morning routine

For me to be productive, I find it’s important to have a strong morning routine, and to never break it. The less decisions I have to make early in the day, the more cognitively rested I am for the important work (in my case, writing) I want to do after I’m up and moving. The reason for this is that humans are cognitive misers. A simple way to explain this: Imagine that the number of decisions you can make in a day is finite. Those decisions are your mana...

What are your two skills?

I was listening to an episode of the Tim Ferriss Show podcast (which I finally started, even though I’ve been following Tim for years. Highly recommended), and one of the guests mentioned something in passing that I found quite interesting. From the episode with Dr. Justin Mager and Kelly Starrett, one of them mentioned that, if you asked his wife what his “two skills” are, she would say: He can mimic anyone. That allows him to understand how you move and why you move, and...

Be the anime blogger

“As world-famous air guitar heroes, one of the questions we get asked all the time is, ‘Do you get groupies, playing imaginary guitar?’ And I am ashamed to admit this, but… “Yes. All the time. Tons of them. “As it turns out, if you do something with all your heart before a crowd full of people, they will react to that thing, no matter what it is.” From Be The Air Guitarist, Ferrett Steinmetz If you don’t want to read the...

The secret to enjoying a long life

I may have stumbled across the secret to enjoying a long life. It has far more to do with how you live your life than it does living a long time. Life shouldn’t be too easy. Which is unintuitive to many, because we spend a great deal of time making our lives easier. We pave over the wildernesses, domesticate or kill the earth’s animals, build industrial systems to bring us food, water, and light, and generally reshape the world into one of convenience and ease. I’m...

Practical freedom

People like to talk about freedom. Especially when they get into politics. (We’re not getting into politics here; stay with me.) The idea of freedom is bandied about with nary a thought as to what it actually means. The truth is that most people in developed, first world, democratic countries are able to do pretty much anything a reasonable person might want to do. Yes, their freedom to murder and pillage is curtailed, but I think most of us find that a reasonable trade-off for...

Old to them

“Hi, how tall are you?” “Wow, so tall.” “Did you play basketball?” “You’re very tall.” Whenever I ventured into a tourist-heavy area in Shanghai or Beijing, I was bombarded by sales pitches. Equally inevitably, every one started with a comment about my height. Comments about my height don’t bother me; I love being tall. I’d also have thousands of short people out for my blood if I complained. But after the fifth time in fifteen minutes, how effective do you think that lead-in was?...

Stop sending me job ideas

This is an open letter to my friends and family: Please stop sending me job ideas. Please stop telling me about jobs I could do. Please stop emailing me job listings. Please stop suggesting companies or careers. Please stop giving me options. I found the job I want. I want to write, and its going pretty well so far. (Not phenomenally well; I’m not getting rich over here. But thanks to the power of low overhead, I’m doing all right.) I know these...